キタ ヤスノリ   Kita Yasunori
  喜田 安哲
   所属   人間社会学部 社会園芸学科
   職種   教授
発表年月日 2016/11/16
発表テーマ Theta band occurrence pattern at the onset of a voluntary movement in humans
会議名 Society for Neuroscience 2016
学会区分 国際学会
発表形式 ポスター
単独共同区分 共同
発表者・共同発表者 Satoshi Kawashima, Akio Mori, Masaru kuboki, Nahoko Minakawa, Yasunori Kita.
概要 In the EEG studies, Fmθ is reported that relate with voluntary movement in athletes. The principal aim of the present study was to classify, theta band into low theta band (3-5Hz; Lθ) or high theta band (6-7Hz; Hθ) in athletes and non-athletes at the onset of voluntary movement. As a results, the occurrence pattern of the Lθ was especially localized in the prefrontal region from 2 seconds before the button press. On the other hand, the occurrence pattern of the Hθ was localized in the frontal midline area from 2 seconds before the button press. The present result suggested that there is a difference between the occurrence pattern of the Lθ and Hθ at the onset of a voluntary movement. In addition, the potential power of the θband high in athletes, exercise was suggested may enhance the focused attention.