キワキ ナチコ   Kiwaki Nachiko
  木脇 奈智子
   所属   藤女子大学  人間生活学部 人間生活学科
   職種   教授
言語種別 英語
発行・発表の年月 2004
形態種別 研究論文(学術雑誌)
査読 査読あり
招待論文 招待あり
標題 変容するアジア諸社会における育児援助ネットワークとジェンダー : 中国・タイ・シンガポール・台湾・韓国・日本(<特集>少子社会と子ども・学校・家族)
執筆形態 共著
掲載誌名 教育学研究
出版社・発行元 一般社団法人 日本教育学会
巻・号・頁 71(4),pp.382-398
担当区分 責任著者
著者・共著者 ◎落合 恵美子,山根 真理,宮坂 靖子,周 維宏,斧出 節子,木脇 奈智子,藤田 道代,洪 上旭
概要 Our first question is how these societies overcome possible childcare problems we are suffering from in Japan. Our second question is whether these Asian societies will experience the"housewifization"of women and the privatization of childcare that might cause similar kinds of childcare problems as in Japan. This paper answers these questions based on the results of the international joint research project,"A comparative study of gender in Asian societies"(2001&sim;03), in which fourteen sociologists, including the authors of this paper, engaged. This project compares the patterns of female life course and social networks for childcare support in 5 societies with a special focus on the urban middle class recently established in various areas in Asia. Our conclusion is; (1) The most effective supporter for childcare is kin in most Asian societies. (2) The second most effective supporters are domestic work
DOI 10.11555/kyoiku1932.71.382
ISSN 03873161
NAID 130003564382
PermalinkURL http://id.ndl.go.jp/bib/7213155