クドウ マサユキ   Kudo Masayuki
  工藤 雅之
   所属   藤女子大学  文学部 英語文化学科
   職種   教授
発表年月日 2024/08/22
発表テーマ Empowering Pre-Service Teachers: Fostering Self-Efficacy in ICT Integration for Educational DX
会議名 The 22nd International Conference for Media in Education
主催者 ICoME 2024 Conference Organization Committee
学会区分 国際学会
発表形式 口頭(一般)
単独共同区分 単独
国名 日本
開催地名 東京
開催期間 2024/08/20~2024/08/23
概要 MEXT in Japan has made it mandatory to include a course on ICT use in education for pre-service teacher training programs. However, pre-service teachers may have had limited exposure to ICTs in their past education and may need support effectively using these tools in their training. Equipping them with metacognitive learning activities with practical ICT uses in classrooms can create a positive learning environment that boosts students' self-confidence in a digital world. The present study delves into the effectiveness of online reflective activity. This approach, when used effectively, can foster targeted learning outcomes, significantly increasing students' confidence and self-efficacy. The study's findings suggest that it can provide better motivation for specific skills in using ICTs in educational settings, thereby highlighting a positive change in the self-efficacy of ICT use in the class.