テイラー クレア   Clair Taylor
  テイラー クレア
   所属   外国語学部
   職種   教授
発表年月日 2024/07/13
発表テーマ The Crucial Role of Habits for Language Learning
会議名 JALT Nagoya, Gifu, & Toyohashi Chapter Meeting
主催者 JALTNagoya, Gifu, Toyohashi
学会区分 地方学会
発表形式 口頭(一般)
単独共同区分 単独
招待講演 招待講演
国名 日本
開催地名 名古屋国際センター(NIC), 名古屋
概要 In the last 20 years, research findings from the fields of the neurosciences, cognitive sciences, and behavioral sciences have greatly developed our understanding of habits and habit formation, leading to a surge of interest in the area and a number of top-selling books in the “self-improvement” genre. These new understandings have been embraced by health, fitness, and business professionals to support behavior change for clients. However, the language teaching profession has paid scant attention to these important developments. In this session, participants will learn about the science of habit formation, and how to help their students build positive learning habits. The presenter will introduce smartphone habit-tracking applications which can help even reluctant language learners maintain study habits and engage in proactive behaviors which lead to increased authentic target language use.