ソン ヒョンギュ   Sun Hyun Gyu
  宣 賢奎
   所属   国際経営学部 国際経営学科
   職種   教授
発表年月日 2010/05/28
発表テーマ 【研究発表】Research of individual unit-type and collective-type on long-term care insurance facilities from the amount care time by the time study
会議名 第12回韓国老人福祉学会学術大会
学会区分 国際学会
発表形式 ポスター
単独共同区分 共同
開催地名 崇實大学
発表者・共同発表者 共同発表は宣賢奎ほか7名。
概要 ポスター発表:This study emerged the current status on unit-type long-term care insurance facilities and collective-type ones and some characteristics of services in there. For this purpose, a time study was carried out to compare the care time of care workers between unit-type long-term care insurance facilities and collective-type ones, in terms of the care time by the care workers. The study involved in 86 care workers in 3 unit-type long-term care insurance facilities and 107 care workers in 3 collective long-term care insurance facilities. An analysis was the Mann-Whitney test. なお,共同研究につき本人担当部分は抽出不可能。