基本情報 |
■ 専門分野
医歯薬学, 内科系臨床医学 (キーワード:血液内科学、血栓・止血学)
■ 最終学歴
筑波大学大学院 人間総合科学研究科 先端応用医学専攻 修了
■ 保有学位
■ 免許・資格
研究業績 |
■ 研究テーマ
■ 著書・論文等
1. |
2023 |
論文 |
Artificial cerebrospinal fluid restores aspirin‑inhibited physiological hemostasis through recovery of platelet aggregation function. (査読付き) Acta Neurochirurgica 165(5),pp.1269-1276 (共著) |
2. |
2021 |
論文 |
The effect of roller head pump on platelet deterioration during the simulated extracorporeal circulation. (査読付き) J Artif Organs 24(1),pp.22-26 (共著) |
3. |
2019 |
論文 |
Stratifin inhibits SCFFBW7 formation and blocks ubiqutination of oncoproteins during the course of lung adenocartinogenesis. (査読付き) Clin Cancer Res 25,pp.2809-2820 (共著) |
4. |
2016 |
論文 |
Sodium bicarbonate facilitates hemostasis in the presence of cerebrospinal fluid through amplification of platelet aggregation. (査読付き) Neurosurgery 78巻,pp.274-284 (共著) |
5. |
2013 |
論文 |
C1 galt1-deficient mice exhibit thrombocytopenia due to abnormal terminal differentiation of megakaryocytes. (査読付き) Blood 122巻,1649-1657頁 (共著) |
6. |
2013 |
論文 |
Human platelets promote liver regeneration with kupffer cells in SCID mice. (査読付き) Journal of Surgical Research 180巻,62-72頁 (共著) |
7. |
2011 |
論文 |
Procoagulant properties of microparticles released from red blood cells in paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria. (査読付き) British Journal of Haematology 152巻,631-639頁 (共著) |
8. |
2010 |
論文 |
Enhanced expression of CD71, transferring receptor, on immature reticulocytes in patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria. (査読付き) International Journal of Laboratory Hematology 32巻(1Pt1),e137-143頁 (共著) |
9. |
2010 |
論文 |
The pro-apoptotic BH-3 only protein Bim regulates cell cycle progrettion of hematopoietic progenitors during megakaryopoiesis. (査読付き) Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 8巻,1088-1097頁 (共著) |
10. |
2009 |
論文 |
Caspase activation is involved in early megakaryocyte differentiation but not in platelet production from megakaryocytes. (査読付き) Leukemia 23巻,1080-1086頁 (共著) |
11. |
2007 |
論文 |
Continuous expression of Bcl-xL protein during megakaryopoiesis is post-translationally regulated by thrombopoietin-mediated Akt activation, which prevents the cleavage of Bcl-xL. (査読付き) Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 5巻,1274-1282頁 (共著) |
12. |
2006 |
論文 |
Characterization of patient with glycoprotein (GP) VI deficiency possessing neither anti-GPVI autoantibody nor genetic aberration. (査読付き) Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 4巻,2433-2442頁 (共著) |
■ 受賞歴
■ 受託研究・競争的資金
社会活動・地域貢献 |
■ 所属学会
1. |
2004/09~ |
日本血液学会 |
2. |
2005/06~ |
日本血栓止血学会 |
3. |
2021/08~ |
∟ 代議員 |
4. |
2016/07~ |
日本臨床衛生検査技師会 |
5. |
2018/04~ |
日本臨床検査学教育協議会 |
6. |
2019/05~ |
日本輸血細胞治療学会 |
7. |
2021/09~ |
日本免疫学会 |
8. |
2022/09~ |
日本人工臓器学会 |
9. |
2023/05~ |
日本医療検査科学会 |
■ 委員・役員等
■ その他