基本情報 |
■ 専門分野
人体病理学, 実験病理学, 細胞生物学, 発生生物学
■ 最終学歴
■ 保有学位
研究業績 |
■ 著書・論文等
1. |
2024/04/12 |
論文 |
Molecular pathology of small cell lung cancer: Overview from studies on neuroendocrine differentiation regulated by ASCL1 and Notch signaling. Pathol Int 74(5),pp.239-251 (単著) |
2. |
2023/07/14 |
論文 |
YAP/BRD4-conotrolled ROR1 promotes tumor-initiating cells and hyperporliferation in pancreatic cancer EMBO J 42(14),e112614頁 (共著) |
3. |
2023/01 |
論文 |
Heterogeneous expression and role of receptor tyrosine kinase-like orphan receptor 2 (ROR2) in small cell lung cancer. Hum Cell 36(1),pp.409-420 (共著) |
4. |
2022/06/29 |
論文 |
Pulmonary neuroendocrine cells and small cell lung carcinoma: Immunohistochemical study focusing on mechanisms of neuroendocrine differentiation. Acta Histochem Cytochem 55(3),pp.75-83 (共著) |
5. |
2020/12 |
論文 |
Distinct transcriptional programs of SOX2 in different types of small cell lung cancers Lab Invest 100(12),pp.1575-1588 (共著) |
6. |
2020/03 |
論文 |
Significance of Achaete-Scute Complex Homologue 1 (ASCL1) in pulmonary neuroendocrine carcinomas; RNA sequence analyses using small cell lung cancer cells and Ascl1-induced pulmonary neuroendocrine carcinoma cells. Histochem Cell Biol (共著) |
7. |
2019/11 |
論文 |
Ascl1-induced Wnt11 regulates neuroendocrine differentiation, cell proliferation, and E-cadherin expression in small-cell lung cancer and Wnt11 regulates small-cell lung cancer biology. Lab Invest 99(11),pp.1622-1635 (共著) |
8. |
2017/01/01 |
論文 |
Small cell lung cancer, an epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT)-like cancer: significance of inactive Notch signaling and expression of achaete-scute complex homologue 1 Human Cell 30(1),pp.1-10 (共著) |
9. |
2015 |
論文 |
Insulinoma-associated protein 1 is a crucial regulator of neuroendocrine differentiation in lung cancer American Journal of Pathology 185(12),3164-3177頁 (共著) |
10. |
2000/09 |
論文 |
Basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors regulate the neuroendocrine differentiation of fetal mouse pulmonary epithelium DEVELOPMENT 127(18),pp.3913-3921 (共著) |
■ 学会発表
■ 受賞歴
■ 受託研究・競争的資金
社会活動・地域貢献 |
■ 所属学会
1. |
日本組織細胞化学会 |
2. |
日本病理学会 |
3. |
肺癌学会 |
■ 委員・役員等
メッセージ |
■ 授業紹介
■ 活動紹介