基本情報 |
■ 専門分野
リハビリテーション科学, 栄養学、健康科学, スポーツ科学, 医療福祉工学
■ 最終学歴
■ 保有学位
■ 免許・資格
■ 授業科目
1. |
地域理学療法学 |
2. |
徒手療法学Ⅰ |
3. |
理学療法評価学Ⅱ |
4. |
運動器理学療法学演習 |
■ メールアドレス
研究業績 |
■ 研究テーマ
■ 著書・論文等
1. |
2024/09 |
論文 |
Examination of the factors associated with humeral head size as calculated by 3-dimensional computed tomography in patients with rotator cuff tears Seminars in Arthroplasty: JSES (共著) |
2. |
2024/08 |
論文 |
Inertial measurement unit-based real-time feedback gait immediately changes gait parameters in older inpatients: a pilot study (共著) |
3. |
2024/08 |
論文 |
Zoledronate alleviates subchondral bone collapse and articular cartilage degeneration in a rat model of rotator cuff tear arthropathy (共著) |
4. |
2024/06 |
論文 |
Longitudinal changes in vertical stride regularity, hip flexion, and knee flexion contribute to the alteration in gait speed during hospitalization for stroke Human Movement Science 95,pp.103227 (共著) |
5. |
2024/05 |
論文 |
Investigation of the limiting factors of shoulder joint complex motion in college baseball players: motion analysis of the humeral head and rotator cuff using ultrasound JESE International, 8,pp.570-576 (共著) |
6. |
2024/05 |
論文 |
Two patients with giant acromioclavicular joint cysts underwent reverse shoulder arthroplasty for cuff tear arthropathy JSES Reviews, Reports, and Techniques 4,pp.248-252 (共著) |
7. |
2024/03 |
論文 |
慣性センサーを用いた歩行中の関節角度測定の妥当性の検討 理学療法かごしま 2,38-43頁 (共著) |
8. |
2024/03 |
論文 |
腰部多裂筋が重量物を下ろす動作中の腰椎の動的安定化に及ぼす影響 理学療法かごしま 2,44-49頁 (共著) |
9. |
2023/12 |
論文 |
リバース型人工肩関節術後1年時における日常生活動作能力と肩関節可動域の目標値 理学療法かごしま 2,14-19頁 (共著) |
10. |
2023/11 |
論文 |
Effects of External Abdominal Pressure Support on Dynamic Balance: A Randomized Crossover Study Sports 11(8),pp.217 (共著) |
11. |
2023/08 |
論文 |
Effect of Self-Myofascial Release of the Lower Back on Myofascial Gliding, Lumbar Flexibility, and Abdominal Trunk Muscle Strength: A Crossover Study Sports 11,pp.147 (共著) |
12. |
2023/08 |
論文 |
臨スポOPINION 肩関節複合運動の定量化 臨床スポーツ医学 (共著) |
13. |
2023/07 |
論文 |
Clinical significance of the elbow forward translation motion in patients with rotator cuff tears JESE International 7,pp.555-560 (共著) |
14. |
2023/07 |
論文 |
Immediate Effects of Real-Time Feedback During Overground Gait Performed Using Inertial Measurement Units on Gait Parameters in Healthy Young Participants A Cross-Sectional Study Motor Control, 24,pp.1-16 (共著) |
15. |
2023/06 |
論文 |
Sex differences in age-related differences in joint motion during gait in community-dwelling middle-age and older individuals Gait & Posture 103,pp.153-158 (共著) |
16. |
2023/03 |
論文 |
当院椎体骨折患者における体幹筋量と在院日数, 身体機能, ADL 能力との関連 理学療法かごしま 1,6-10頁 (共著) |
17. |
2023/03 |
論文 |
日常生活動作の肩甲上腕関節の安定性と肩関節周囲筋の筋張力の関係 理学療法かごしま 1,11-17頁 (共著) |
18. |
2022/09 |
論文 |
For Patients with Stroke, Balance Ability Affects the Leg Extension Angle on the Affected Side Applied Sciences, 12(19),pp.9466 (共著) |
19. |
2022/05 |
論文 |
Effects of Knee Flexion Angles on the Joint Force and Muscle Force during Bridging Exercise: A Musculoskeletal Model Simulation Journal of Healthcare Engineering, ArticleID 7975827, (共著) |
20. |
2021/12 |
論文 |
The Relationship between Leg Extension Angle at Late Stance and Knee Flexion Angle at Swing Phase during Gait in Community-Dwelling Older Adults International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(22),pp.11925 (共著) |
21. |
2021/12 |
論文 |
当院入院患者におけるサルコペニアの有無が身体機能の推移に与える影響の検討 理学療法科学 36(6),919-924頁 (共著) |
22. |
2021/11 |
論文 |
Relationships between Gait Regularity and Cognitive Function, including Cognitive Domains and Mild Cognitive Impairment, in Community-Dwelling Older People Healthcare, 9(11),pp.1571 (共著) |
23. |
2021/10 |
論文 |
Effect of Leg Extension Angle on Knee Flexion Angle during Swing Phase in Post‐Stroke Gait Medicina, 57(11),pp.1222 (共著) |
24. |
2021/08 |
論文 |
A self-oblique exercise that activates the coordinated activity of abdominal and hip muscles-A pilot study PLoS One, (共著) |
25. |
2021/03 |
論文 |
Validity of two-dimensional analysis for estimation of foot arch height using a tablet computer during walking 33,pp.194-198 (共著) |
26. |
2020/11 |
論文 |
Contribution of hip and knee muscles to lateral knee stability during gait Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 32,pp.729-734 (共著) |
27. |
2020/11 |
論文 |
Effect of functional electrical stimulation of the gluteus medius during gait in patients following a stroke BioMed Research International 19: 8659845, (共著) |
28. |
2020/02 |
論文 |
Accelerometer Measurement of Trunk Lateral Fluctuation During Walking Following Total Knee Arthroplasty in Patients With Osteoarthritis Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 16,pp.1-6 (共著) |
29. |
2019/12 |
論文 |
Trunk muscle activity during trunk stabilizing exercise with isometric hip rotation using electromyography and ultrasound Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 49(16) (共著) |
30. |
2019/12 |
論文 |
Validity of Measurement for Trailing Limb Angle and Propulsion Force during Gait Using a Magnetic Inertial Measurement Unit BioMed Research International, 6,pp.1-18 (共著) |
■ 学会発表
■ 受託研究・競争的資金
社会活動・地域貢献 |
■ 所属学会
1. |
2014/04~ |
日本理学療法士協会 |
2. |
2024/04~ |
熊本県理学療法士協会 |
3. |
2021/06~ |
日本基礎理学療法学会 |
4. |
2024/05~ |
日本トレーニング指導者協会 |
5. |
2022/11~ |
日本運動器理学療法学会 |
6. |
2023/04~ |
日本支援工学理学療法学会 |
7. |
2022/05~ |
日本肩関節学会 |
8. |
2017/12~ |
日本老年医学会 |
9. |
2021/05~ |
理学療法科学学会 |
■ 委員・役員等
メッセージ |
■ メッセージ
■ 研究紹介