フジワラ タカフミ   Takafumi.FUJIWARA
藤原 隆史

  • 所属   松本大学  教育学部 学校教育学科
  • 職種   准教授
言語種別 英語
発行・発表の年月 2024/03/15
形態種別 速報,短報,研究ノート等(大学,研究機関紀要)
標題 Which Preposition Do You Prefer, Cut In or Cut Into?: A Corpus-Based Analysis of Cut In Versus Cut Into Constructions
執筆形態 共著
掲載誌名 The Journal of Matsumoto University
巻・号・頁 22,pp.159-168
著者・共著者 FUJIWARA Takafumi, IIJIMA Hisanori
概要 This study investigates the actual usage of "cut in/into" constructions in COHA. The result shows that the construction "cut in n pieces" was used significantly more frequently than the construction "cut into n pieces" in Modern English period (-1900), whereas the construction "cut into n pieces" was used significantly more frequently than the construction "cut in n pieces" in Present Day English period (1900-).
ISSN 1348-0618
