プロフィール |
■ 現在の専門分野
生物有機化学, 園芸科学, 遺伝育種科学, 植物分子、生理科学 (キーワード:植物成長調節物質、生物制御化学、野菜、食用作物)
■ プロフィール
これらの経験を教育、研究活動、地域貢献に活かしたいと考えている。 |
■ 研究室
■ 技術相談・講演・共同研究に応じられるテーマ
■ 現在取り組んでいる研究内容
1) 植物ホルモンは植物の生長を様々な局面で制御しています。いろいろな植物におけるその機能を解明することで植物の生長を制御し、生産性を向上する技術へつなげることを目指して研究を行っています。
2) 植物が生産する栄養成分や、代謝物は栽培条件などで様々に変動します。栽培技術の開発や育種などに役立てるため、これらの成分を化学的に分離し、その変動を解析する研究に取り組んでいます。
業績 |
■ 著書・論文歴
1. |
2019/01 |
論文 |
Effects of blue and red lights on gibberellin metabolism in tomato seedlings The Horticulture Journal 88(1),pp.76-82 (共著) |
2. |
2018/03 |
論文 |
オオムギbrachytic 1矮性遺伝子 前橋工科大学研究紀要 21,67-68頁 (共著) |
3. |
2017/06 |
論文 |
Brachytic 1 of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) encodes the alpha subunit of heterotrimeric G protein Journal of Plant Physiology 213,pp.209-215 (共著) |
4. |
2017/04 |
論文 |
Gibberellin 2-oxidase genes from satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc.) caused late flowering and dwarfism in transgenic Arabidopsis Hort J 86(2),pp.183-193 (共著) |
5. |
2017/01 |
論文 |
Involvement of cytokinins, 3-indoleacetic acid, and gibberellins in early fruit growth in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Horticulture Journal 86(1),pp.52-60 (共著) |
6. |
2016/04 |
論文 |
Isolation and functional analysis of two gibberellin 20-oxidase genes from Satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc.) Horticulture Journal 85(2),pp.128-140 (共著) |
7. |
2015/10 |
論文 |
A dwarf mutant, d34, of buckwheat is caused by a loss of function of a C-6 oxidase in brassinosteroid biosynthesis Fagopyrum (32),pp.1-8 (共著) |
8. |
2015 |
論文 |
Involvement of Gibberellins in the Regulation of Tillering in Welsh Onion (Allium fistulosum L.) Horticulture Journal 84(4),pp.334-341 (共著) |
9. |
2013 |
論文 |
An alternative mechanism for cleistogamy in barley Theoretical Applied Genetics 126(11),pp.2753-2762 (共著) |
10. |
2012/03 |
論文 |
An unusual spliced variant of DELLA protein, a negative regulator of gibbererllin signaling, in lettuce Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry 76(3),pp.544-550 (共著) |
11. |
2012 |
論文 |
Identification of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) accessions with large or small fruit that have a high degree of parthenocarpy Scientia Horticulturae (135),pp.68-70 (共著) |
12. |
2012 |
論文 |
Roles and regulation of cytokinins in tomato fruit development Journal of Experimental Botany 63(15),pp.5569-5579 (共著) |
13. |
2011 |
論文 |
Characterization of endogenous gibberellins and molecular cloning of a putative gibberellin 3-oxidase gene in bunching onion Journal of American Society for Horticultural Science (136),pp.382-388 (共著) |
14. |
2011 |
論文 |
Isolation and functional characterization of the FLOWERING LOCUS T homolog, the LsFT gene, in lettuce Journal of Plant Physiology (168),pp.1602-1607 (共著) |
15. |
2010 |
論文 |
Cleistogamous flowering in barley arises from the suppression of microRNA-guided HvAP2 mRNA cleavage Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (107),pp.490-495 (共著) |
16. |
2009 |
論文 |
An inverted and micro-colinear genomic regions of rice and barley carrying the cly1 gene for cleistogamy Breeding Science (59),pp.657-663 (共著) |
17. |
2009 |
論文 |
The endogenous level of GA1 is upregulated by high temperature during stem elongation in lettuce through LsGA3ox1 expression Journal of Plant Physiology (166),pp.2077-2084 (共著) |
18. |
2008 |
論文 |
Real-time analysis of photoassimilate translocation in intact eggplant fruit using 11CO2 and a positron-emitting tracer imaging system Journal of Japanese Society of Horticultural Science 77(2),pp.199-205 (共著) |
19. |
2008 |
論文 |
Stability of fruit set of newly selected parthenocarpic eggplant lines Scientia Horticulturae 115(2),pp.111-116 (共著) |
20. |
2006 |
論文 |
Field studies on the regulation of abscisic acid content and germinability during grain development of barley: molecular and chemical analysis of pre-harvest sprouting. Journal of Experimental Botany 57(10),pp.2421-2434 (共著) |
21. |
2006 |
論文 |
Heavy-ion-induced mutants in sweet pepper isolated by M1 plant selection. Euphytica 152,pp.61-66 (共著) |
22. |
2006 |
論文 |
Inhibitory effects of jasmonic acid and its analogues on barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) anther extrusion Plant Growth Regulation 48,pp.201-206 (共著) |
23. |
2005 |
論文 |
Identification and mapping of a QTL for rachis internode length associated with cleistogamy in barley Plant Breeding 124(6),pp.542-545 (共著) |
24. |
2005 |
論文 |
Morphological and physiological analysis of cleistogamy in barley Physiologia Plantarum 124,pp.524-531 (共著) |
25. |
2005 |
論文 |
Overexpression of a petunia zinc-finger gene alters cytokinin metabolism and plant forms Plant Journal 41,pp.512-523 (共著) |
26. |
2005 |
論文 |
国内産小麦粉のくすみと遊離トリプトファン含量 日本食品化学工学会誌 52(11),538-541頁 (共著) |
27. |
2004 |
論文 |
Identification and mapping of cleistogamy genes in barley Theoretical Applied Genetics 109,pp.480-487 (共著) |
28. |
2004 |
論文 |
Spontaneous brassinolide-insensitive barley mutant ‘uzu’ adapted to east asia. Breeding Science 54(4),pp.409-416 (共著) |
29. |
2003 |
論文 |
A semi-dwarf phenotype of barley uzu results from a nucleotide substitution in the gene encoding a putative brassinosteroid receptor Plant Physiology 133,pp.1209-1219 (共著) |
30. |
2003 |
論文 |
Uzu mutantion in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) reduces the leaf unrolling response to brassinolide Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry 67(5),pp.1194-1197 (共著) |
31. |
2002 |
論文 |
国内産小麦粉色相とミネラル含量の関係 日本食品化学工学会誌 49(1),49-52頁 (共著) |
32. |
2001 |
論文 |
Intra-raceme variation in pod-set probability is associated with cytokinin content in soybean Plant Production Science 3(4),pp.354-359 (共著) |
33. |
2001 |
論文 |
種子根伸長角度を指標にした根系の深さが異なるコムギ実験系統群の作出 日本作物学会記事 70(3),400-407頁 (共著) |
34. |
1999 |
論文 |
Volatile components in stored rice Oryza sativa (L.) of varieties with and without lipoxygenase-3 in seeds Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry 47(3),pp.1119-1124 (共著) |
35. |
1997 |
論文 |
Effects of ethylene and gibberellins on the elongation of rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L.) Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry 61(5),pp.864-869 (共著) |
36. |
1997 |
論文 |
Semi-quantification of gibberellins in anthers of thermosensitive genetic male sterile rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. PL12) Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry 61(10),pp.1748-1750 (共著) |
37. |
1996 |
論文 |
Characterization of endogenous gibberellins in dwarf rice mutants Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry 60(12),pp.2073-2075 (共著) |
38. |
1996 |
論文 |
Gibberellin biosynthesis in Bambusoideae Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry 60(9),pp.1497-1499 (共著) |
39. |
1995 |
論文 |
Photosystem II inhibition by s-triazines having hydrophilic amino groups Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry 59(11),pp.2170-2171 (共著) |
40. |
1993 |
論文 |
Antipromoting effects of 5-lipoxygenase inhibitors, 3-nitro-2,4,6-trihydroxybenzaminde derivatives, on TPA-promoted transformation in BALB 3T3 cells Cancer Letters 71,pp.57-60 (共著) |
41. |
1993 |
論文 |
Bright yellow chlorosis by cucumber mosaic virus Y satellite RNA is specifically induced without severe chloroplast damage Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol. 42,pp.267-278 (共著) |
42. |
1993 |
論文 |
Inhibition of prostaglandin biosynthesis by 3-nitro-2,4,6-trihydroxybenzamides Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry 57(5),pp.843-844 (共著) |
43. |
1993 |
論文 |
Inhibitory effects of 3-nitrophloroglucinecarboxylic acid derivatives on Epstein-Barr virus early antigen induction Cancer Letters 68(1),pp.1-5 (共著) |
44. |
1993 |
論文 |
Photosystem II inhibition by phloroglucinol derivatives having both phenol and urea functionalities Zeitshrift Naturforschrung 48c(3/4),pp.159-162 (共著) |
45. |
1993 |
論文 |
Synthesis of a chiral building block, (S)-5-acetoxy-2-pentene-4-olide from D-glucose Heterocycles 36(1),pp.149-155 (共著) |
46. |
1992 |
論文 |
Lactonization of omega-hydroxy esters over hydrous zirconium(IV) oxide Chemistry Letters 21(4),pp.571-574 (共著) |
47. |
1992 |
論文 |
Regioselective Hydrogenation of Unsaturated Compounds Using Platinum- Coupled with Organosilicon Alkoxide by CVD Method Bulletin Chemical Society of Japan 65(5),pp.1240-1243 (共著) |
48. |
1991 |
論文 |
Gibberellins from the Seed, Tassel, Cob and Silk of Maize Agricultural Biological Chemistry 55(2),pp.435-439 (共著) |
49. |
1991 |
論文 |
Inhibition of Human 5-Lipoxygenase by 3-Nitro-2,4,6-Trihydroxybenzamide Derivatives Agricultural Biological Chemistry 55(3),pp.833-836 (共著) |
50. |
1991 |
論文 |
Inhibitory effects of 3-nitro-2,4,6-trihydroxybenzamides on Epstein-Barr virus early antigen induction Cancer Letters 59,pp.83-88 (共著) |
51. |
1991 |
論文 |
Regioselective Hydrogenation Using Platinum-Support Zeolite Modified by CVD-Method Bulletin Chemical Society of Japan 64(8),pp.2508-2512 (共著) |
52. |
1990 |
論文 |
Phloroglucinol Derivatives as Potent Photosystem II Inhibitors Zeitshrift Naturforschrung 45c(5),pp.317-321 (共著) |
53. |
1990 |
論文 |
Structure-Activity Relationship of 3-Nitro-2,4,6-trihydroxybenzamide Derivatives in Photosynthetic Electron Transport Inhibition Agricultural Biological Chemistry 54(5),pp.1227-1233 (共著) |
54. |
1990 |
論文 |
Syntheses of 3-Nitro-2,4,6-trihydroxybenzamide and Thiobenzamide Derivatives as Highly Potent Inhibitors of Photosynthetic Electron Transport Agricultural Biological Chemistry 54(4),pp.1071-1072 (共著) |
55. |
1990 |
論文 |
Synthesis of Levoglucosenone Cancer Letters 19(2),pp.307-310 (共著) |
■ 学会発表
■ 研究課題・受託研究・科研費
■ 学歴
1. |
東京大学大学院 農学系研究科 農芸化学専攻 修士課程修了 博士(農学) |
■ 職歴
1. |
2022/04~ |
前橋工科大学 工学部 情報・生命工学群 教授 |
2. |
2013/04~ |
前橋工科大学大学院 工学研究科 環境・生命工学専攻(博士課程) 教授 |
3. |
2011/04~ |
前橋工科大学大学院 工学研究科 生物工学専攻(修士課程) 教授 |
4. |
2011/04~ |
前橋工科大学 工学部 生物工学科 教授 |
■ 学内役職・委員
1. |
2015/04/01~ |
前橋工科大学 生物工学科長 |
■ 所属学会