鶴 浩幸
   所属   鍼灸学部 鍼灸学科
   職種   准教授
発表年月日 2010/03/20
発表テーマ Effects of acupuncture treatment to best corrected visual acuity, asthenopia and heart rate.
会議名 2010 International Conference of Society for Acupuncture Research conference program:p25
学会区分 国際学会
発表形式 口頭(一般)
単独共同区分 共同
開催地名 North Carolina, USA
概要 This study was performed to evaluate effect to BCVA and asthenopia of acupuncture, by setting up acupoints stimulation, sham acupoints stimulation and sham acupuncture needle. 7 subjects who complained of asthenopia were recruited for this study. UB 2, LI 4 and Taiyang points were stimulated by acupuncture for 10 min. On the different day, the same subjects received sham acupoints for 10 min at 5 cm apart from acupoints.The other day, the same subjects received tapping needle tube without acupuncture at above acupoints as sham acupuncture. VAS in eye fatigue were performed and HR were performed at pre- and post-stimulation. Acupoints stimulation significantly improved BCVA. Acupoints and sham acupoints significantly decrease VAS. Acupoints and sham acupoints significantly decrease HR. The improvement of BCVA and decrease of VAS suggested the effectiveness of acupuncture. The decrease of HR suggested the acupuncture might rise parasympathetic nerve.