最終学歴・学位 |
■ 学歴
専門分野 |
■ 現在の専門分野
最近の研究課題 |
■ 研究課題・受託研究・科研費
1. |
協力とナッジの行動厚生経済学:そのメカニズムと規範的評価 基盤研究(C) |
2. |
個人の道徳的判断と規範的評価:行動厚生経済学的アプローチ 基盤研究(C) |
3. |
限定合理性と社会的厚生に関する研究 若手研究(B) |
4. |
政策評価の情報的基礎に関する研究 若手研究(B) |
5. |
機会の内在的価値を考慮した分析的枠組みの探求 特別研究員奨励費 |
主な研究活動 |
■ 著書・論文歴
1. |
2023/12 |
論文 |
Strategic nomination and non-manipulable voting procedures Review of Economic Design 27(4),pp.867-891 (単著) |
2. |
2023/07 |
論文 |
Evaluating opportunities when more is less Theory and Decision 95(1),pp.109-130 (単著) |
3. |
2022/09 |
論文 |
Ranking nomination rules on the basis of nominating power distributions International Journal of Economic Theory 18(3),pp.382-401 (単著) |
4. |
2021/06 |
論文 |
デジタル変革における日本企業のプラットフォーマーへの関与可能性の考察 研究 技術 計画 36(1),47-58頁 (共著) |
5. |
2018/05 |
著書 |
入門経済学 1-82頁 (共著) |
6. |
2018/01 |
論文 |
Salience and limited attention Social Choice and Welfare 50(1),pp.123-146 (単著) |
7. |
2016/11 |
論文 |
The possibility of Arrovian social choice with the process of nomination Theory and Decision 81(4),pp.535-552 (単著) |
8. |
2014/06 |
論文 |
On the informational basis of social choice with the evaluation of opportunity sets Social Choice and Welfare 43(1),pp.153-172 (単著) |
9. |
2009/03 |
論文 |
Consequences , opportunities, and Arrovian impossibility theorems with consequentialist domains Social Choice and Welfare 32(3),pp.513-531 (単著) |
10. |
2007/05 |
論文 |
A variant of non-consequentialism and its characterization Mathematical Social Sciences 53(3),pp.284-295 (単著) |
■ 学会発表
1. |
2023/06 |
A dual-process representation of moral judgment(The 2023 Central European Program in Economic Theory Workshop) |
2. |
2022/08 |
A dual-process representation of moral judgment(The 2022 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society in East and South-East Asia) |
3. |
2020/06 |
Evaluating opportunities when more is less(The 2020 Conference on Mechanism and Institution Design) |
4. |
2019/06 |
Strategic nomination and strategy-proof voting precedures(The Eleventh Conference on Economic Design) |
5. |
2018/07 |
Ranking decision rules on the basis of voting power distributions(The Fourteenth European Meeting on Game Theory) |
6. |
2017/06 |
Nomination, rationality, and collective choice(The Seventeenth Annual Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory Conference) |
7. |
2017/06 |
Nomination, rationality, and collective choice(The 2017 Central European Program in Economic Theory Workshop) |
8. |
2016/06 |
Inequality in voting powers with multiple issues(The Thirteenth International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare) |
9. |
2015/06 |
Generalized revealed attention(The 2015 Central European Economic Theory Workshop) |
10. |
2014/07 |
Generalized revealed attention(The Twelfth International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare) |
11. |
2013/07 |
Social choice theory with collectively qualied agendas: The case where there exist voting agenda setters(The Eighth Biannual Conference on Economic Design) |
12. |
2012/08 |
Social choice theory with collectively qualied agendas: The case where there exist voting agenda setters(The Eleventh International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare) |
13. |
2012/05 |
Social choice theory with collectively qualied agendas: The case where there exist voting agenda setters(The 2012 Central European Program in Economic Theory Workshop) |
14. |
2011/07 |
Social choice theory with collectively qualied agendas(Logic, Game Theory, and Social Choice 7) |
15. |
2008/06 |
Indivisual choice behavior and welfarist social evolution: Is a theory a la Sen really applicable to a welfarist context?(The Ninth International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare) |
16. |
2007/04 |
Consequences, opportunities, and Arrovian theorems with consequentialist domains(The First World Meeting of Public Choice Society) |
17. |
2006/07 |
Consequences, opportunities, and Arrovian theorems with consequentialist domains(The English International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare) |
■ 所属学会
1. |
2006/04~ |
The Society for Social Choice and Welfare |
2. |
2005/04~ |
日本経済学会 |