アキヤマ マサコ
akiyama masako
秋山 正子 所属 大阪信愛学院大学 看護学部 看護学科 職種 講師 |
発表年月日 | 2017/07 |
発表テーマ | Association of Visiting Nurses’ Response with Cancer Patients’ Good Death by Awareness of Dying Type.(査読付) |
会議名 | The 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology & Geriatrics |
学会区分 | 国際学会 |
単独共同区分 | 共同 |
開催地名 | Moscone Business Center, San Francisco, California, USA |
発表者・共同発表者 | 共著者:Akiyama M, Kabayama M, Kuyama K, Kamide K. |
概要 | The aim was to determine the association of VNR (Visiting Nurses' Response) with GD (Good Death) in AOD (Awareness of Dying) types for end-stage home cancer patients. We sent self-administered questionnaires to visiting nurses and statistically analyzed. Participants' average age (N=386) was 46.8years. The proportions of AOD type were OA (open) (67%), CA (closed) (11%), SA (suspected) (9%) , and MPA (mutual pretense) (7%) . The GD score of OA was higher than SA (p=.01) and the CA was higher than the SA (p=.01) . In dealing with information related to patient’s death, the VNR score was higher for OA than for SA (p=.01) . The higher VNR score was significantly associated with the higher GD scores. 本人担当部分:研究代表者として全体、英論文執筆・投稿 |