    (最終更新日:2024-10-15 12:46:00)
  レベッカ バビリエ
  Rebecca Babirye
   所属   神学部 総合神学科
   職種   助教
■ 専門分野
神学, TESOL (キーワード:神学、TESOL、異文化理解) 
■ 所属学会
1. 2019 Association for the Study of the Worldwide African DiasporaLink
2. 2018/04 The Writing Center Association of Japan
3. 2018/04~ Afro-Asian Studies InitiativeLink
4. 2018 Japan Society for Afrasian StudiesLink
5. 2017/04~ Christian English Language Educators AssociationLink
■ 学歴
1. 2019/09~2024/09 Sophia University Graduate School, Division of Area Studies 博士課程修了 PhD in Global Studies(Others)
2. 2014/08~2016/06 Wheaton College The Art of Work 修士課程修了
3. 2009/09~2013/07 東京基督教大学 神学部 神学科アジア神学コース 卒業
■ 職歴
1. 2021/04~ 東京基督教大学 神学部 総合神学科 助教
2. 2019/04~2021/03 東京基督教大学 神学部 神学科 助教
3. 2017/04~2018/03 東京基督教大学 神学部 神学科 講師
4. 2016/11~2017/03 在ウガンダ日本大使館 Cultural Officer/ Clerk
■ メールアドレス
■ 科研費研究者番号
■ R&R 研究者コード
■ 主要担当科目
Introduction to Global Studies, African Culture and Society, Spiritual Development, Qualitative Research Methods, Total English, Critical Research and Writing
■ 委員会・協会等
1. 2019/05~ 日本アフリカ学会 MemberLink
■ 担当授業と指導内容
1. 2022
Great Books: World Literature
2. 2022
Total English
3. 2021
Great Books: Japanese Literature
4. 2021
Introduction to African History, Culture, and Society
5. 2021
Spiritual Development
■ 教育理念と目標
1. 2022
I believe that learning works best in a participatory learning community with students actively engaged in their own learning and interacting with their fellow students and the world around them. In my classes, I provide several opportunities for students to work on tasks with each other. I hope that my students see the work in the classroom as a collaborative and meaningful springboard for further exploration. Using case studies, real-life examples, and thought-provoking questions I encourage my students to consider their role in society and in the learning community. My assignment prompts usually require students to go beyond the class material and construct new information from their experience and other outside resources. This requires the ability to analyze, synthesize and present the material in a format that is relevant to them but also encourages them to think beyond themselves and present their work in conventional formats that a broader audience can appreciate.

I am committed to the continual improvement of my teaching methods to ensure that I am meeting my students’ needs. To ensure that, I keep communication channels open both in person during office hours and online via email or chats. I encourage the same growth mindset in my students and track their growth using portfolios and diaries. This also works to solidify that students take an active role in their learning.
■ 教育の方法論
1. 2022
In my classes I provide several opportunities for students to work on tasks with each other. I hope that my students see the work in the classroom as a collaborative and meaningful springboard for further exploration. Using case studies, real-life examples and thought-provoking questions I encourage my students to consider their role in society and in the learning community. My assignment prompts usually require students to go beyond the class material and construct new information from their experience and other outside resources. This requires the ability to analyze, synthesize and present the material in a format that is relevant to them, but also encourages them to think beyond themselves and present their work in conventional formats that a broader audience can appreciate.
■ 著書・論文
1. 論文  Family Language Policy of an Immigrant Family in United States of America. A Case Study: A Liberian Family   (単著) 2015/12
■ その他の貢献
1. Writing Center
■ 社会における活動
1. 2017/07~2017/07 Intercultural Exchange Event