(Last updated : 2024-11-22 13:58:50)
  Keita Honda
   Department   Kumamoto Health Science University  Division of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Health Science
   Kumamoto Health Science University  ,
   Position  Assistant Professor
Basic Information
■ Research Fields
Rehabilitation science, Biomedical engineering, Sports sciences 
■ E-mail
Academic Achievements
■ Selected Publications
1. 2024/07/08 Article Concurrent Validity of Depth-Sensor-Based Quantification of Compensatory Movements during the Swing Phase of Gait in Healthy Individuals Biomechanics 4(3),pp.411-427 (Collaboration) Link
2. 2024/06/04 Article Gait classification of knee osteoarthritis patients using shoe-embedded internal measurement units sensor Clinical Biomechanics pp.106285 (Collaboration) 
3. 2024/05/07 Article Effects of ankle-foot orthosis with dorsiflexion resistance on the quasi-joint stiffness of the ankle joint and spatial asymmetry during gait in patients with hemiparesis Clinical Biomechanics 115,pp.106263 (Collaboration) 
4. 2024/03/19 Article Differences in kinetic factors affecting gait speed between lesion sides in patients with stroke Front Bioeng Biotechnol 12,pp.1240339 (Collaboration) 
5. 2024/01/28 Article Differences in kinematic parameters during gait between the patients with knee osteoarthritis and healthy controls using an insole with a single inertial measurement unit: A case-control study Clinical Biomechanics 112,pp.106191 (Collaboration) 
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■ Selected Presentations
1. 2020/12/12 Finite element analysis of sacroiliac joint motion and restriction received from ligaments (The Proceedings of the JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering)
2. 2020/11/28 片麻痺の歩行障害の運動学的理解と歩行訓練 片麻痺患者の歩行の運動学的理解に基づくモデルベーストリハビリテーション (日本臨床神経生理学会学術大会第50回記念大会)
3. 2019/07 Three-Dimensional GRF and CoP Estimation during Stair and Slope Ascent/Descent with Wearable IMUs and Foot Pressure Sensors (The 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society)
4. 2019/06 The contribution of intralimb kinetic coordination in lower limb to control of propulsion and weight support at a wide range of gait speed in young and elderly people (2019 ISPGR World Congress)
5. 2019/06 The differences in sagittal plane whole-body angular momentum during gait between patients with hemiparesis and healthy people (2019 ISPGR World Congress)
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■ Grants
1. 2020/04~2023/03  Relationship between dynamic stability control and risk of falling and physical activity during uneven terrain walking in patients with hemiparesis  (Key Word : )
2. 2018/08~2020/03  Dynamic stability control during gait in community-dwelling post-stroke fallers  (Key Word : )
3. 2015/04~2018/03  Improvement of gait performance by the combination of stiffness-adjustable ankle and hip orthosis which have the property of elasticity  (Key Word : )
4. 2014/07~2019/03  Neurorehabilitation based upon brain plasticity on body representations  (Key Word : )
Professional Activities
■ Professional Memberships
2. 2018/12~ International Society for Posture and Gait Research