(Last updated : 2024-08-31 14:01:07)
  TANABE Masatoshi
   Department   Tokyo Keizai University  , Contemporary Law
   Position   Professor
■ Business career
1. 2018/04~ Tokyo Keizai University Contemporary Law Professor
■ Degree/Academic background
1. 〔Doctorial Course〕, University of Tsukuba, Completed,
2. 2004/04~2007/03 〔Doctorial Course (2nd Semester)〕, University of Tsukuba, Completed,
3. 〔Master Course〕, Law School, University of Pennsylvania, Completed,
4. Faculty of Laws, The University of Tokyo, Graduated,
5. 1978/04~1983/03 The University of Tokyo, Graduated,
■ Reseach Areas
Company Law, Commercial Law (Key Word:Company Law, Corporate Governance, Compliance, Business Transaction Law) 
■ Book and thesis
1. 2016/09 Book Nederlandse Ondernemingsrecht (Oranda Kaishahō),   (Single) 
2. 2012/12 Book U.S. Federal Rules of Evidence (Amerika Renpō Shōkokisoku)   (Single) 
3. 2010/10 Book Legal Principles of Shareholder Agreements and Shareholder Autonomy (Kabunusikankeiyaku to Teikanjichi no Hōri)   (Single) 
4. 2022/12 Article UK Company Law after Brexit and its Prospect (Part II) ―In Light of the Interactions with EU Company Law Tokyo Keizai Law Review pp.3-30 (Single) 
5. 2022/02 Article UK Company Law after Brexit and its Prospect (Part I)―In Light of the Interactions with EU Company Law Tokyo Keizai Law Review pp.37-78 (Single) 
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■ Lecturer and lecture
1. 2015/01/15 The Japanese board model: governance and cultures (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
2. 2014/10/03 Development of the Board Structure of Japanese Companies―Historical and Socioeconomic Perspective― (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)